4 Seasons - Shamanic Training

11 – 13 October 2024

Systemic ritual® and the Shamanic Wheel as powerful tools for healing and transformation.

A deep experiential process of learning, a training, in which you acquire powerful and dynamic tools for healing and transformation. With Systemic Ritual® and the Shamanic Wheel you will learn dynamic tools for experiencing, understanding, and healing everyday personal issues as well as different human aspects in different areas of life. You will learn to conduct rituals using the Shamanic Wheel of the Four Directions, which is a map that guides us through the cyclical, continuous movement of life, embracing all its gifts, challenges and possibilities.

 I. SPRING   19 – 21 April 2024
 II. SUMMER 5 – 7 July 2024
 III. AUTUMN             11 – 13 October 2024
 IV. WINTER 31 January – 2 February 2025

Systemic Ritual casts another light on things and allows for transformation. It is a way of working with archetypal systems, shamanic work that can bring motion into areas of life where we feel trapped, separated, stuck and confused.

The Shamanic Wheel is an organic system related to the 4 cardinal directions, which are always organically connected to each other and mutually related. Its rhythmic pattern comes from the natural world and represents the eternal cyclical movement of life, from creation, manifestation, destruction into emptiness. It never stops. We learn to navigate in it, to read from the alternation of seasons, from the cycle of day and night, or according to the cardinal directions, and to convert these qualities into energetic qualities, psychological states and spiritual insights.

Four modules of the training take place over the course of one year, each in the respective season, so that we are in full contact with its specific qualities. During the training we move around and learn the basics of shamanic practices, enter light trance states, meet power animals associated with each direction. We learn to approach body and mind, use conscious movement, dance, rattling, drumming, singing as means of building energy, grounding, awareness. This allows the body, mind, emotions and spirit to establish connection.

The group creates a conscious space for sharing, a healing field, a community in which there is a feeling of safety among all present, where everyone is welcome, everyone is bringing something and receiving something else.

Training is a powerful, all-round support for your personal growth, as well as a rare enrichment of your professional work, where you learn to apply acquired knowledge, procedures and inspiration in individual and group work with clients.

1 – Spring (east)

New beginnings, inspiration, clarity, regeneration, creativity

The sun begins to increase its strength, the light returns. We can see the world with a wider view. New leaves and flowers sprout. Animals mate. Life unfolds with new possibilities. This time is associated with an ascending state of expansion, inspiration, optimism, return, hope, new ideas, inspiration, rising energy, renewal and freshness. Spring rituals and practices support us to bring fresh energy into our lives and clarify our vision of new possibilities. It is time to search and explore, to focus our energy on what we desire. Time to build resources that will support the development of our creative potential.

2 – Summer (south)

Embodiment, expression, abundance, relationships

The sun is strongest, the light is bright, and everything ripens and grows to its full size. This time is related to abundance, active doing and the ability to act, manifest by action and use your energy for full expression. It is about relationship and being with people, interaction, building structures and using our physical strength. In summer rituals and practices we explore and build a deeper connection with our body to strengthen our ability to ground and connect with matter. We bring awareness to the network of our relationships and patterns in relationships. We are laying the building blocks for sustainable and abundant inner and outer connection.

3 – Autumn (west)

Releasing old patterns, time to look back, deeper feelings and intuition

The sun is setting soon, the light is slowly fading, the leaves are falling and it’s harvest time. This time brings slowing down, turning inward, evaluating, resting, relaxing, moving into meditation and contemplation. Autumn rituals and practices lead us to reflect on what has passed and to let go of what we no longer need. They open the possibility to enter the immense richness of our inner world, our feelings, emotions and our intuition. In this module we delve deeper into the basic practices of shamanic work, developing our natural ability to see through the darkness into unusual realities, the ability to receive information and healing for the world of spirits.

4 – Winter (north)

Silence and open space, ancestors, connecting with light and soul

The plants stop growing and go into a state of rest and not-doing. Nothing seems to be happening, but nature is gaining strength and regenerating. In the darkness of night there is no sun, and in sleep the world of forms disappears. At this time we enter the mysterious element of timelessness, emptiness, darkness, the unknown, the essence of being. Winter rituals and practices will lead us into formless states of being, we will encounter hidden treasures and gifts that are revealed in silence. We clear, heal and open space for something new. When the sun is weak, it is time to connect and receive nourishment from other kinds of light. In this module we will meet the power of our ancestors and connect with the light of our soul as the basis of our existence.

Komala de Amorim (Brazil)

I am born in Brazil, where I graduated in Art Education and start exploring the voice and spontaneous singing as ways to make contact with my inner self. In my early twenties I moved to India and lived for many years at the Osho meditation Resort, where I learned, experienced and taught a variety of transpersonal and meditative therapies, self-development techniques and body-work.

Many years of meditation practice, self-enquiry and singing skills, combined with exploration of spiritual traditions as Zen, Sufism and Tantra, and various western therapeutic methods are the base of my work. I am trained in: Craniosacral Biodynamic; Primal Therapy and Sexual-de-conditioning, Essence Work and Chakra Balancing, Hara Awareness Massage, Voicing, Awareness Intensive, Satori, Die Before you Die.

My own inner process and the learning of different techniques made me understand that all the methods brings me to myself, when the longing is deep and the search is sincere. This passion I have been sharing through courses and trainings around the world, and those meetings have been a very precious teaching. When human beings come together, with the intention to expand their life and discover their inner reality, magic happens and everyone that is part of it grows.

This program is an integrated training and it is possible to enter it only as a whole.

Each module is intensive (Friday 16:00 – 19:00, Saturday 9.30 – 19:00, Sunday 9.30 – 18:00). After previous arrangments there is a possibility of a sleepover for people from outside of Prague.

The price is 1 144 EUR (VAT included) if the whole training is paid before the first module.

The price is 1 296 EUR (VAT included) if the training is paid before each module separately (324 EUR for each module). By the deposit paid before the training start you express your intention to go through the whole training and it serves as the payment for the last module. The first three modules are paid on the spot before each seminar starts in cash.

In every case, for reservation the deposit 324 EUR must be paid in advance.

At the moment, the training is already taking place in a closed group. The new run will be announced after the the current run finishes.

Interested in the seminar? Book your place!

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