Inner Dynamics - Body-Mind Centering® in the Flow of Contact Improvisation

weekend 15 – 16 June 2024

From a material point of view, we are basically made of water. This inner sea is like the ocean full of waves and currents. Our fluidity is getting organized in many ways thanks to our organs.

The skeleton is the basic structure of the architecture of our body and greatly relies on the organs in order to find the necessary support for movement. By experimenting with some basic human embryology, we allow our cells to remember the dynamic evolutionary process that underlies bones, articulations and organs. Exploring the movement of creation of our body systems helps us to integrate the connectedness of different structures in our adult dancing body.

In this workshop Urs is going to share with you some of his experiences about this relationship of organs and skeleton through Body-Mind Centering® and how he applies them to the technique of Contact Improvisation. Historically, there exists a long and strong exchange and sharing of information gathered from both techniques. We will sometimes work on our own and also with partners. A few words about anatomy and physiology will also be part of the weekend.

The work is accessible to everyone in healthy condition and will be adapted to the general needs of the group of participants.

Urs Stauffer (Switzerland)

„I met Steve Paxton for the first time in 1989 and was deeply impressed by his dance. The year after I had for the first time the chance to work with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and knew right away that Body-Mind Centering® would be a life time project for me. Ever since I kept working with both of these persons that are of great influence in my movement research. I am Somatic Movement Educator and Practitioner certified by the School of Body-Mind Centering and I share my understanding of Contact Improvisation with the personal agreement of Steve Paxton.“

The seminar is intensive: Saturday and Sunday 9:30 – 17:30 and is open to anyone regardless of age or prior movement experience.

The price is 185 EUR. For reservation deposit of 55 EUR must be paid in advance.

The price is 155 EUR if the deposit is paid before 30 May.

Interested in this workshop? Book your place!

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Body-Mind Centering® and BMC® are registered service marks of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, used with permission.