Trager® Approach - Level 4

7 – 9 June 2024

The Level 4 course of the International Trager Training Programme is the current version of the course that Milton Trager offered to graduate practitioners to deepen their skills, confidence and hookup. The workshop includes inspiring new ways of tablework and Mentastics experimentation. You will experience a conception of mentastics close to how Milton Trager himself worked with it. Gail will also incorporate participants‘ themes and questions into the course content.

Before the course, we will ask you to answer a few written questions that will allow Gail to structure the content according to your priorities, for your own body and mind, and for your professional practice.

About the Method

The method surprises with its effects without trying to straighten or correct. Instead, it conveys to the client the pleasant sensations of effortless movement and develops his/her perception of self. This, in turn, activates the body’s ability to release blocks and tensions, relax and restore balance.

When a boxing coach first allowed his student to massage him, he had no idea that in Milton Trager’s hands lay a skill that would astound him and achieve such widespread fame. Milton successfully applied his approach to anyone who wanted it (including people suffering from shortness of breath, asthma, back pain, and multiple sclerosis). Eventually, interest in the method was so great that he complied with requests to begin teaching the method.

The method is playful and uses and develops intuition. It offers the opportunity to explore the difference between mere touching and the perceptual quality of touch. It takes two forms – „tablework“ is therapist-client work in which the therapist conveys sensations of weight, pressure and movement to the client. During „mentastics“ the client works actively and the sensations are brought to them by their own movement.

Gail Stewart (USA)

Gail has been teaching body-mind disciplines since 1971. She was a student in Milton Trager’s first class in 1975 and studied under him until his death in 1997. Leading workshops and classes in the Trager Approach continues to be a joy! Gail maintains a private practice in Berkeley, California.

Gail is also going to be offering individual sessions on the Thursday before the seminar. Individual slots are soon to be open for reservations.

The workshop is intensive: Friday to Sunday 9:30 – 18:00. For the enquiry about the possibility of sleepover reach us at

The seminar is going to take place in Prague, Czechia. It is going to be held in English with consecutive interpretation into Czech.

Price 589 EUR. To reserve a place the deposit of 209 EUR must be paid in advance.

Interested in this workshop? Book your place!

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