Payment and cancellation conditions

Registration, reservation and order

Filling in the reservation form for an event creates a registration for that event. By registering, the person filling in the form places and order for the event. By paying the deposit for the registration, the registration becomes a reservation and the order becomes a binding order. If the order is cancelled by the customer, a cancellation fee equal to the deposit is charged (regardless of how much the event is attended or how long in advance the cancellation occurs).

In exceptional cases, registration can be made verbally, by telephone, email or other means of communication. All terms and conditions for registration made in this way are the same as for registration made by filling in the registration form. In which cases it is possible to make a reservation in other ways than using the reservation form is at the supplier’s discretion, and the supplier does not have to allow registration in any other way than by filling out the reservation form.

In specific cases, if explicitly stated in the event description, registration without payment of a deposit may already be a binding order, and the amount of the cancellation fee and the conditions for charging the cancellation fee may be set out differently in the event description.

The event may include multiple parts on different dates. For example, in the case of comprehensive series of lessons or a training comprising of several seminars, both are one integral event. If an event has more than one part listed in the description, it is one integral event, even if the price of any or all of its individual parts is quoted separately or the date of only one of the parts is indicated in the reservation form.

If the description of the event does not explicitly state that only a part of the event can be ordered, or if the option of ordering only a part of the event is stated in the description, but the customer has chosen the option of ordering the whole event when registering, then the client orders the whole event in its entirety, including all its parts stated in the description, and commits to pay the full price of the event or the price of all its parts. For example, by ordering a course with a certain number of lessons, the customer orders the entire course including all its lessons, similarly by ordering a training consisting of several seminars on different dates, the customer orders the entire training including all its seminars, etc.

Failure to participate in some parts of the event does not entitle the customer to a reduction in the total price of the event or to the provision of alternative performance by the supplier.

If specific conditions are set for participation in the event or in some of its parts, the customer assumes full responsibility for the participant’s fulfillment of these conditions within the required time. If such conditions exist and are not fulfilled by the participant within the required time, the participant will not be admitted to the event or part thereof. In such a case, the participant shall not be entitled to a reduction in the total price of the event or to the provision of alternative performance by the supplier. At the same time, in such a case, the client shall bear all the consequences of such a situation at his own expense – such consequences may include, for example, the need to make up the missed part of the event in another way at the client’s expense according to the supplier’s instructions or the impossibility of continuing the event. The aforementioned condition may be, for example, the completion of a certain amount of individual practice or the completion of an assigned homework assignment before proceeding to the next part of the training.

Currency of payment for the event

The client is obliged to pay for the event in the currency in which he ordered the event and in the exact amount that was stated as the price in that currency in the event description. If the description specifies a price in multiple different currencies, then the currency, the order price in that currency and the subsequent payment shall be bindingly determined by the currency in which the client pays the deposit.

Audiovisual recording

Both the client and the participant acknowledge that photographic, audio and audiovisual recordings may be made during events. By registering and entering the event, the participant relinquishes all future rights to all photographic, audio and video material from the event, granting the administrator the right to use the material in the future (for instance for education and promotion purposes)


In order to book a spot at a particular event, one must always pay a booking deposit in advance.

For a particular event to actually take place, it is necessary to reach a minimum number of booked participants well in advance.

Capacity of the courses is limited; if we receive a reservation deposit after this capacity has been exceeded, your money will be refunded.

A reservation lasts until the start of the event. After that, the place can be occupied by another participant. In this case, the original reservation deposit will be forfeited.

Issuance of an invoice

The participant is obliged to report without undue delay, but no later than 15 days after his registration, that he will need to have and invoice issued and to communicate his invoice credentials, via the form provided, by email or by telephone. A later requests will not be accepted.

Method of payment

Deposit must be paid in advance to reserve your place.
Full payment must be paid before the event starts or before the start of the first lesson of and ongoing course and it is required for you to participate in the event.

Single entries for the evenings or regular lessons are paid directly to the lecturer.
Subscriptions and workshops are paid at the reception.
All the payment information will be sent by email, or you can find it in the information about given event.

Arrival at a course physically held in our spaces

The participant is obliged to arrive at the beginning of the course in time and well in advance so that the attendance is completed smoothly and it is possible to start on time. A suitable time may be 15 minutes before the start. If the participant is late, he is obliged to inform us by phone and tell us the estimated time of arrival or arrival. However, even in such a case, that should never exceed 10 minutes after the start for shorter lessons and 30 minutes after the start for full-day seminars.

The participant is also obliged to bring with him all other requisites for entering the course, such as any remaining payment in full or any other materials and documents, in case they were required to enter the specific course.

Should the participant arrive to the course without a sufficient amount of cash to completely pay the rest of the course, he won’t be admitted to the event and the deposit he paid forfeits as a cencellation fee.

Cancellation of participation before the event

The deposit you’re paying for place reservation is non-refundable and acts as a pledge to come to the event. This deposit especially covers cases where you can’t come due to you getting sick, due to unforseen time unavailability, travel complications and other reasons of you not coming to a course or an event, including situations such as your quarantine.

When a participant is cancelling participation at an event a cancellation fee is being applied. The amount is the same as the amount of the deposit paid. The deposit paid is never refunded no matter the reasons for the cancellation. Forfeiture of the deposit is not a reason to provide discounts for other events or other dates of the same event, nor is it possible to transfer the deposit to them. This deposit especially covers cases where you can’t come due to you getting sick, due to unforseen time unavailability, travel complications and other reasons of you not coming to a course or an event, including situations such as your quarantine.

Cancellation of the participation during the event

If the participant discontinues his/her participation during the event, the tuition fee paid up to that time will not be refunded. This also applies to comprehensive courses with more than one lesson or trainings with more than one seminar. Unless a different cancellation fee conditions are stipulated for interruptions during the event, the participant is obliged to pay the full price of the event in the event of such an interruption. This applies even if the interruption of participation results in the loss of the opportunity for certification, which should have been one of the results of completing the event, etc.

Should a participant miss a class of an ongoing course, a part of an event or an installment of a series, he cannot come make up for them – nor in the same course, nor in another parallel course, nor in another run of the same course. The participant cannot be sending a substitute for himself for parts of the event.

Absence for part of the event

The participant is fully responsible for his/her participation in all parts of the event, acknowledges that completion of all parts of the event to date may be a condition of continued participation in the event and acknowledges that absence from any part of the event may mean that he/she cannot continue to participate (at the discretion of the event instructor or supplier) without a refund of the course fee and without cancellation of the obligation to pay the full cost of the event.

Conditions for Participation

There may be conditions for participation in the event, which are listed in the event description. Other conditions may be communicated after the booking or during the event (e.g. the need to do certain homework, etc.).

Cancellation of participation at an individual session

When a participant is cancelling participation at an individual session less than a week before the date of the session, the participant is bound to pay its full price or send someone else to attend the session instead of himself. This hold whatever the reasons for the cancellation might be.

Violating an agreement from the participant’s side

In case an agreement if a part of the conditions to participate at an event or in case such agreement has been made individually with the participant (i.e. payment until a set date, participation at the whole training etc.) and the participant doesn’t fulfill or breaks the agreement, the participant’s right to attend the rest of the event (that means also the remaining installments of a multi-part event etc.) forfeits, latest to the moment of not-fulfiiling or breaking the agreement. At the same time any payments paid to that date are non-refundable and forfeit as cancellation fees. Even in that case any agreements that can still be fullfiled stand (i.e. paying money due etc.). The organiser has the right to use payment which the participant paid in relation to other event to cover unfulfilled agreements with the participant and to not provide the service or item for which the payment was originally made.

Handling fees

For actions beyond the standard smooth course of signing up, payment and participation in the course, the participant may be charged a handling fee. The amount of such a fee depends on the nature of the activity or agreement beyond the ordinary. However, the minimum amount of such a fee is EUR 6.

Exchange rate losses and transfer fees

If a participant transfers an amount denominated in a particular currency in a currency other than the currency in which it was denominated, the participant shall be fully responsible for ensuring that sufficient funds are received in the currency in which the amount was denominated.

If there is a bank fee associated with the transfer, the participant shall always pay the fee themselves (e.g. by setting the fee payment mode to „sender“) and if that is not possible, then they sahll top up the payment by an amount to cover the fee charged on our side.

If we receive either less than that amount or there are fees associated with the transfer on our side that are no longer covered by the participant’s payment, the participant agrees to pay the amount and cover the fees. In this case, the participant again bears the cost of this additional payment.

In the event of an erroneous payment by the participant or any other reason for sending a payment back, the maximum amount sent back shall always be the amount received, less any fees associated with the transfer. For example, if the participant sent 10 Euro, the amount received is 230 CZK and the bank charges for the transfer back are 100 CZK, a maximum of 130 CZK is sent back.

Cancellation of the course

In the event of cancellation of the course by the supplier before the start of the event, the participant is entitled to a full refund of the amount paid by the participant or the amount corresponding to the extent of the cancellation.

In the event of cancellation of the course by the supplier during the event, the participant is only entitled to a refund of the portion of the course fee directly proportional to the part of the event that has not yet taken place at the time of cancellation.

In the event of cancellation of a part of the event (e.g. cancellation of a lesson of a regular course due to illness of the lecturer), the buyer is not entitled to cancellation of participation in the rest of the course or refund for the rest of the course which will take place.

In the event of cancellation of the course by the supplier, only those participants who have not already withdrawn from the event at the time of cancellation are entitled to the above refund of the course fee.

Time span of the event

The timeframe of an event may differ from the expected range previously stated (e.g. ending earlier or later than the event description), while maintaining the completeness of the event content. In such a case, there is no entitlement to a reduction in the course fee.

Validity of the subscription and pass

Subscriptions to regular courses and pass for 10 entries are valid for a particular person, they cannot be used by anyone else.
Validity (time limit) of the subscription or pass cannot be extended. After expiration of the period for which they are issued, they cannot be used and the unused rest cannot be refunded.

Unless specified otherwise, the following payment and cancellation conditions are valid for all the events organized by Druna.

Event lecturers and staffing

If lecturers or other persons involved in the lecturing, running, management or organisation of the event are mentioned in the event description, it does not mean that all of these persons will be present at the event at all times. For example, if two lecturers teach the training as described in the event description, one of the lecturers may teach some days or entire seminars without the presence of the other lecturer, and on other days or seminars the other lecturer may teach without the presence of the first lecturer. If the event description specifically states which persons will be present on which days or seminars of the event, the Supplier reserves the right to change this staffing in light of unforeseen circumstances, the current availability of the persons in question, and current organizational needs.

Change in the price of accommodation, meals, consultations and other mediated services

If the price of accommodation, meals, consultations or other services mediated by us is stated in the event description or elsewhere, the price may change with regard to the fact that the price is changed by the final supplier of the service (hostel, cook, consultant, etc.). In such a case, the subscriber is not entitled to request the service at the original price before the change. This point concerns in particular events that span multiple installments over a longer period.

Change of venue

The venue or place at which an event takes place can be changed to another within the same city. In that case, there is no right to a refund of the paid course fee or part thereof, or to its transfer to another event etc.

Withdrawal from the contract and the consent to the supplier to provide the service within the withdrawal period

Events (courses, trainings, seminars, individual sessions, online seminars broadcasted live etc.) are not subject to the right of withdrawal as this is an exception under paragraph 1837 letter j).

In cases not exempted by law (e.g., sale of physical goods or services without a specific date or period of performance), the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract for the supply of goods or services, without the need to provide his reasons, within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the goods or entering into the contract for the provision of services.

The consumer gives his express consent to the supplier to provide a service or to start providing a service within the withdrawal period. In this case, the consumer shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract.